Digging Deeper in God's Word: The Bible Minor Project
Made up of five areas of focus — The Bible and the Gospel, Old Testament, New Testament, Theology I, and Theology II — these Continuing Education enrichment experiences stretch participants to think about God, His Word, and His world in whole new ways and encourages them to apply Scripture to all areas of their lives.
 Are you ready to dig deeper into God's Word through the Bible and the Gospel with Dr. Trent Rogers? Click on the Enroll now button below to begin exploring the content.
Bible and the Gospel Curriculum
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- Why Engage the Bible?
- Assessment Preparation
- Why Engage the Bible Assessment
- How does the Christian Engage the Bible?
- Assessment Preparation
- How does the Christian Engage the Bible Assessment
- What is Prayer and Why Should Christians Pray?
- Assessment Preparation
- What is Prayer and Why Should Christians Pray Assessment
- How Should Christians Engage in Prayer? Part 1
- How Should Christians Engage in Prayer? Part 2
- Assessment Preparation
- How Should Christians Engage in Prayer Assessment
Available in
after you enroll
- What is the Church?
- Assessment Preparation
- What is the Church Assessment
- Why Engage in the Church?
- Assessment Preparation
- Why Engage in the Church Assessment
- How Should Christians Engage the Church?
- Assessment Preparation
- How Should Christians Engage the Church Assessment
- Why and How Should Christians Share the Gospel?
- Assessment Preparation
- Why and How Should Christians Share the Gospel Assessment
Available in
after you enroll
- What Does the Bible Say About Itself?
- Assessment Preparation
- What Does the Bible Say About Itself Assessment
- What is the Character of the Bible?
- Assessment Preparation
- What is the Character of the Bible Assessment
- How Does the Bible Come to Us?
- Assessment Preparation
- How Does the Bible Come to Us Assessment
- What is the Message of the Bible?
- Assessment Preparation
- What is the Message of the Bible Assessment
- What Role do the Covenants Play in the Bible?
- Assessment Preparation
- What Role do the Covenants Play in the Bible Assessment
- Interpretation and Biblical Theology
- Assessment Preparation
- Interpretation and Biblical Theology Assessment
Available in
after you enroll
- Vocabulary Tool
- Assessment Preparation
- Vocabulary Tool Assessment
- Translation, Quotation, and Allusion Tools
- Vocabulary Tool Assessment
- Translation, Quotation, and Allusion Tools Assessment
- Copycat Tool
- Assessment Preparation
- Copycat Tool Assessment
- Structure Tool
- Assessment Preparation
- Structure Tool Assessment
- Context Tools
- Assessment Preparation
- Context Tools Assessment
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll